Saturday, February 25, 2006

little time off

I repeat, Vaugirard is harsh! I'm so tired after my days, I think I'm just giving much more energy into it. It's good, but I'm also stressed by my chef Sébastien, who is my age I might add. He's a maniac, I really don,t get how he got this good at his age. Anyway, he's a little cocky, but professional, and I'm learning a lot from him, so that's the whole point. Anwyay,
So after working 5 days a week, roughly 9-10 hours a day since september, I finally get a week off! So I'm heading for Budapest for 3 nights in a nice hotel(my mom decided to treat ourselves!) and then back here and off to Geneva the next day with the roomate for 4 days of skiing. We're staying at her boyfriends place at the french border, and renting a car to explore different stations everyday. Should be good.


Blogger appelsj said...

It should be lots of fun.
Take pictures!

4:04 p.m.  
Blogger johanne said...

have a nice time and is not the only thing in life...

11:28 p.m.  

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