Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Less than 2 months left! ok, ok, I really got to do something everyday... hum, today I'm off, having lunch at Bastille with a friend, I barely know that area, so it's good. Then there's the Maison Européenne de la Photo who has a new exposition,(Ml went to the vernissage last night and said it was good) and wednesday nights, it's free, so I'll do that at 5. In between, I'll probably try to find a little park to knit, it's nice out!(still cold but sunny).
Monday I met up with Aurélie, and we had a fig eclair and a lemon declination tart from Fauchon. We tasted these beauties in the Luxembourg Park, the sun was warming our nose, it felt great.
alright folks, keep the peace.


Blogger johanne said...

these are the kinds of things you need to something like this often before you go...

4:17 a.m.  
Blogger Mapie said...

Oui!! Profite-en! C'est le temps de faire une liste de toutes les choses que tu voulais faire et que tu n'as pas eu le temps de faire. C'est Paris!! Tu la manqueras, cette ville, une fois partie!!
bisous x x

2:28 a.m.  

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