Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Jam session #1

So I went to the place d'Aligre market on sunday. Huge, and oh my, so many people! Squashes and apples are starting to appear... I finally reached the end of the market where I found 'deals'. A box full of figs(which are now rare to find!) and white peaches for 4euros, sweet! Monday: jam day! For a first timer, it turned out not so bad! Fig and cinnamon jam(and a little of maple syrup); and some white peach jam whith some white wine, almonds and vanilla bean. Excellent on Poilâne bread, my favorite campagne miche up to now. (Thinking of you Michelle!)

Work is good, getting very hectic though. 10 hour days..I can't imagine how Christmas is going to be! M. Hermé comes to the lab to say hi almost every day now. He smiles and says 'Bonjour Mademoiselle', I still don't think he knows my name... I still feel so intimitaded by him! Oh god, and today he passed a comment on how I didn't put enough pineapple on the Mogador tart..ouch! Tomorow must be perfect! He checks the products almost every day. That's a really good thing, he passes comments to the chef Emmanuel as much positive as negative, always striving for better products. He's got into the marketing side of the business, but seeing him at work, shows that he still really cares about the quality of the products going out in the boutique. That's good.


Blogger Mapie said...

Those, steph,they sound absolutely fantastic!!
Where did you find the recipes?
Or did you invent and create?

How great is it to see Mr. Pierre Hermé everyday? To see him work and deal with his business? Oh how much you can learn just by seeing him go about it. Steph, this job you have now is hard and demanding, but man, it is an absolute gold mine.

I m so proud of you. xx

6:51 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vraiment belle expérience. Peut-être un jour que ça sera toi qui fera l'inspection des tarlelettes le matin..tout en gférant le côté business de ton entreprise ! ;-)

J'aimerais bien goûter à cette confiture qui me sembel tout simplement...à s'en lècher les babines.

enjoy Paris sis
m-a xx

4:23 p.m.  
Blogger michelle said...

You are so lucky to have access to different varieties of fruit! I would love to get my hands on some lovely English pears and preserve them. Welcome to the mad world of preserving. I hope you had fun making them and continue to experiment.
Courage pour les commentaires. C'est comme ca qu'on apprends les choses.
Bises, M

8:31 p.m.  

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