Thursday, November 10, 2005


No chaos in levallois-perret. no worries, everythiing is fine. Not writting much because not much is happening right now. Work is going very well. The TV came on wednesday, and I'll be on tv probably making the Mont-Blanc*, and it will be on TV5! so you'll be able to see it at home! I'll check when it's on and let you know. So the Mont-Blanc the Pierre Hermé façon is a almond paste tartelette, some eglantine compote, meringue, chantilly, and crème de Marron. Very good and very popular to the japanese(don,t ask me why!) The crème de marron must be one of my favorite things, and in terms of condimants, it's definetly my favorite. I buy it a lot here(much cheaper and better quality). It's actually not 'marrons' but 'châtaignes' that are used to makes the paste, or the cream. It's weired how they still call it 'marrons' when it's not... anyway, disapointment because we have a 'marronnier' in our frontyard, but only squirels will think they are good... Crème de marron is great on toast, and I love it right now on my Laitière vanilla yogourt! You can also buy them raw, and boil them then cook them in the oven. It has a very pasty texture, and can be used in cakes, and they are really good candied. They are called 'le caviar de la pâtisserie' by La Maison du Chocolat, but I still prefer the cream, c'est bien plus cochon!


Blogger Matthew V said...

Mmmmmm, my friend Aude is from Ardèche and she brought me some from back home this July, it was so good. I just ate it with a spoon cause I didn't want the taste of toast or anything else. Just pure crême de marrons.

8:14 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Avant de découvrir les marrons glacés moi aussi je préférais la crème de marrons. Ce qu'il faut je pense, quand on est habitué au goût fort de la crème de marrons, c'est trouver des marrons glacés qui ont également beaucoup de goût. Chez les meilleurs pâtissiers ils ont tendance, au contraire, à être fins. C'est ton destin: tu devras goûter tous les marrons glacés de Paris!
J'ai trouvé cette vidéo de Pierre Hermé sur le site de TV5:
C'est le bon reportage? Ça ne me semble pas ultra récent. C'est intéressant de voir qu'il vous fait goûter ses créations; mais est-ce que vous lui dites réellement ce que vous en pensez?

7:08 p.m.  

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